Cyber Resources

Cyber Incident Response - Veroot Cyber Security Solutions for Logistics, TSA, CTPAT, and Shippers

Written by Admin | Dec 6, 2023 5:59:16 PM

Cyber Incident Response Reporting

Catalogue and report the breach.


Why Report?

Certain governmental organizations like TSA and CTPAT/CBP require companies to report if systems were breached.

A serious breach could leave Sensitive Security Information (SSI), shipping /container information, and manifest data in the hands of bad people that can threaten the supply chain.

So it is necessary to report a breach – but wisely.


The Approach

Leverage Veroot’s experience – we will create, review and submit the issue to CISA, or your CBP Supply Chain Specialist.

Our standardized process will efficiently characterize the issue.

Don’t say the wrong things and create unforced errors.


Showing Due Diligence.

It’s ideal to let the TSA, CBP, and customers know that even if you have been breached, you have due diligence in place.

Use of the Veroot Cyber Suite or other similar approach will at least show you attempted to thwart the attack before it happened.

Being able to explain this during an audit, insurance negotiation or customer meeting is much better than just saying “Ooops”.


Let’s work together to implement Cyber Security

It doesn’t have to be complicated.